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12 april 2024
Exhibition “Lines. Siberia. Dmitry Sukhov" in the GUM-Red-Line gallery
The title of the exhibition emphasizes that the works of Dmitry Sukhov cannot be perceived separately fr om the Siberian character of its author. Through leisurely contemplation of abstract paintings that contain a dynamic dance of lines combined with bright shades of warm and cold colors, viewers will be able to go on a journey through the endless sky, forests and rivers of Siberia.

One of the main leitmotifs of the exhibition is the historical memory of folklore, the spectra of culture that the artist processed in his coordinate system - through the color symbolism of scarlet sunsets, winter thickets, lingonberry meadows and the rhythm of round dances of lines. The exhibition's display will be subordinated to the idea of ​​creating a sense of organic connection between space and a work of art. The space of the GUM-Red-Line gallery will act as a living organism, wh ere every detail of the interior symbolizes the characteristic features of the artist’s style: the colors in the works’ canvases will be reminded by the shades of the walls, evoking associations with the colors of foggy haze, scarlet lingonberries, green forests and blue skies, and plastic and the texture of the forms of decorative elements in the form of wooden snags and dried flowers will complement the feeling of being among the Siberian landscape, reproduced through the prism of artistic images of modern art.

Curator: Eleonora Zacharzhevskaya
The exhibition is open until May 19.
The gallery is open daily from 10:00 to 22:00!
Free admission!
12 april
Exhibition “Lines. Siberia. Dmitry Sukhov" in the GUM-Red-Line gallery
The title of the exhibition emphasizes that the works of Dmitry Sukhov cannot be perceived separately fr om the Siberian character of its author. Through leisurely contemplation of abstract paintings that contain a dynamic dance of lines combined with bright shades of warm and cold colors, viewers will be able to go on a journey through the endless sky, forests and rivers of Siberia.

One of the main leitmotifs of the exhibition is the historical memory of folklore, the spectra of culture that the artist processed in his coordinate system - through the color symbolism of scarlet sunsets, winter thickets, lingonberry meadows and the rhythm of round dances of lines. The exhibition's display will be subordinated to the idea of ​​creating a sense of organic connection between space and a work of art. The space of the GUM-Red-Line gallery will act as a living organism, wh ere every detail of the interior symbolizes the characteristic features of the artist’s style: the colors in the works’ canvases will be reminded by the shades of the walls, evoking associations with the colors of foggy haze, scarlet lingonberries, green forests and blue skies, and plastic and the texture of the forms of decorative elements in the form of wooden snags and dried flowers will complement the feeling of being among the Siberian landscape, reproduced through the prism of artistic images of modern art.

Curator: Eleonora Zacharzhevskaya
The exhibition is open until May 19.
The gallery is open daily from 10:00 to 22:00!
Free admission!
109012 Москва Красная площадь, 3
8 (800) 700-28-28 internetboutique@gum.ru