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17 december 2024
Setting the New Year's table with Gastronome No. 1
Spend the last days of 2024 communicating with family and friends, and we are preparing everything you need for you!

We begin to get acquainted with our menu with appetizers. The same aspic, tongue aspic, herring forshmak with quail eggs, spicy salted salmon, sturgeon aspic, pancake crepe cake with delicate salmon mousse. What do you choose?

The salad menu includes: classic Olivier with sausage, veal tongue or crab necks, Mimosa with sockeye salmon, Crab salad with red caviar, Herring under a fur coat, Salad with tongue and oyster mushrooms.

НFor main course on New Year's Eve we recommend Baked pig with mushrooms and pork neck, Baked goose or duck of your choice, Duck legs “Confit”, Chicken terrine, Stuffed pike, julienne of your choice - traditional mushroom, chicken with mushrooms, shrimp and cod , Cauliflower Gratten.

You can place an order at the Order Desk of Gastronome No. 1 or by phone: +7 (495) 620 3015 and then pick it up yourself or arrange delivery.
17 december
Setting the New Year's table with Gastronome No. 1
Spend the last days of 2024 communicating with family and friends, and we are preparing everything you need for you!

We begin to get acquainted with our menu with appetizers. The same aspic, tongue aspic, herring forshmak with quail eggs, spicy salted salmon, sturgeon aspic, pancake crepe cake with delicate salmon mousse. What do you choose?

The salad menu includes: classic Olivier with sausage, veal tongue or crab necks, Mimosa with sockeye salmon, Crab salad with red caviar, Herring under a fur coat, Salad with tongue and oyster mushrooms.

НFor main course on New Year's Eve we recommend Baked pig with mushrooms and pork neck, Baked goose or duck of your choice, Duck legs “Confit”, Chicken terrine, Stuffed pike, julienne of your choice - traditional mushroom, chicken with mushrooms, shrimp and cod , Cauliflower Gratten.

You can place an order at the Order Desk of Gastronome No. 1 or by phone: +7 (495) 620 3015 and then pick it up yourself or arrange delivery.
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