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27 january 2025
Charity event “Magic Skating Rink”
On January 26, at the GUM skating rink on Red Square, the charity foundation “Life in Motion” held the “Magic Skating Rink” charity event for the 6th time. Evgeny Mironov, Irina Bezrukova, Alexander Novin, Elena Borscheva with her family, Pyotr Dranga, Irakliy Pirtskhalava, Oscar Konyukhov, Evgeny Aldonin took to the ice along with the wards of the Life in Motion Foundation.

All funds collected yesterday from the sale of tickets to the GUM Skating Rink will be used to help the foundation's wards in the field of prosthetics, rehabilitation and social adaptation – Pyotr Kovalchik (16 years old) and Victoria Yuzhakova (12 years old).

In 2024, the Life in Motion foundation celebrated its 10th anniversary. Throughout its charitable activities, the foundation has provided assistance to 559 children from 24 regions of Russia. The Foundation helps children with disabilities in the field of prosthetics, orthotics, rehabilitation and social adaptation, primarily from orphanages, boarding schools and low-income families.
27 january
Charity event “Magic Skating Rink”
On January 26, at the GUM skating rink on Red Square, the charity foundation “Life in Motion” held the “Magic Skating Rink” charity event for the 6th time. Evgeny Mironov, Irina Bezrukova, Alexander Novin, Elena Borscheva with her family, Pyotr Dranga, Irakliy Pirtskhalava, Oscar Konyukhov, Evgeny Aldonin took to the ice along with the wards of the Life in Motion Foundation.

All funds collected yesterday from the sale of tickets to the GUM Skating Rink will be used to help the foundation's wards in the field of prosthetics, rehabilitation and social adaptation – Pyotr Kovalchik (16 years old) and Victoria Yuzhakova (12 years old).

In 2024, the Life in Motion foundation celebrated its 10th anniversary. Throughout its charitable activities, the foundation has provided assistance to 559 children from 24 regions of Russia. The Foundation helps children with disabilities in the field of prosthetics, orthotics, rehabilitation and social adaptation, primarily from orphanages, boarding schools and low-income families.
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