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4 february 2025
Winter prices in Falke
The long-awaited and very short Falke sale is in full swing!

There are two weeks left when you can buy socks, tights, knitwear, children's collections and sportswear with discounts of 40 to 60%.

We are waiting for you in the Falke boutique on the 2nd floor of the 3rd line of GUM. 
4 february
Winter prices in Falke
The long-awaited and very short Falke sale is in full swing!

There are two weeks left when you can buy socks, tights, knitwear, children's collections and sportswear with discounts of 40 to 60%.

We are waiting for you in the Falke boutique on the 2nd floor of the 3rd line of GUM. 
109012 Москва Красная площадь, 3
8 (800) 700-28-28 internetboutique@gum.ru