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28 july 2019
GUM Gorkyclassic AutoRally Is Just Around The Corner!
July 28 marks the GUM AutoRally – the top event of the retro car season in Russia. For the sixth time, Bosco di Ciliegi presents the most extensive collection of unique Soviet automobiles on Red Square.
GUM AutoRally is held annually since 2014 with the help of the Gorkyclassic Automobile Historical Society. The event quickly became the most large-scale and prestigious retro car competition in Russia.
The race will include such prized cars, as the monumental ZIL, luxurious Chaika, stylish Volga, humped Zaporozhets, solid Pobeda, modest Moskvich, and popular Zhiguli.
The Spasskaya Tower Clock will signal the start of GUM AutoRally. One hundred twenty cars will traverse the 120-kilometer route. The main objective is to keep the required speed and reach the control points in the required time. The route of GUM AutoRally is changed each year but always includes Moscow’s best-known landmarks.
The results of this game are very much dependent on the skill of the drivers and the resourcefulness of the navigators, as well as on how well preserved are the cars. The “youngest” car at this year’s rally is just 35, the oldest – a GAZ-A convertible – is 85. The average age of the vehicles participating in the race is 62! Some of them are reconstructed with care and attention to detail; some of them are treasures that have been in their respective families for generations.
This year GUM AutoRally for the first time will start at Vasilievsky Slope. Tens of beautiful automobiles will pass through the starting arch. The race will finish at the MSU Park on Sparrow Hills. The award ceremony will take place in the same place.

28 july
GUM Gorkyclassic AutoRally Is Just Around The Corner!
July 28 marks the GUM AutoRally – the top event of the retro car season in Russia. For the sixth time, Bosco di Ciliegi presents the most extensive collection of unique Soviet automobiles on Red Square.
GUM AutoRally is held annually since 2014 with the help of the Gorkyclassic Automobile Historical Society. The event quickly became the most large-scale and prestigious retro car competition in Russia.
The race will include such prized cars, as the monumental ZIL, luxurious Chaika, stylish Volga, humped Zaporozhets, solid Pobeda, modest Moskvich, and popular Zhiguli.
The Spasskaya Tower Clock will signal the start of GUM AutoRally. One hundred twenty cars will traverse the 120-kilometer route. The main objective is to keep the required speed and reach the control points in the required time. The route of GUM AutoRally is changed each year but always includes Moscow’s best-known landmarks.
The results of this game are very much dependent on the skill of the drivers and the resourcefulness of the navigators, as well as on how well preserved are the cars. The “youngest” car at this year’s rally is just 35, the oldest – a GAZ-A convertible – is 85. The average age of the vehicles participating in the race is 62! Some of them are reconstructed with care and attention to detail; some of them are treasures that have been in their respective families for generations.
This year GUM AutoRally for the first time will start at Vasilievsky Slope. Tens of beautiful automobiles will pass through the starting arch. The race will finish at the MSU Park on Sparrow Hills. The award ceremony will take place in the same place.

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