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Abrau Durso Champagne Bar

+7 (495) 620 3015
1 level | 3 line
Restaurants & Cafes
The new space unites the tradition of the two legendary houses with a rich history. "Abrau-Durso" wine room is a dining bar with a full menu, offering the complete collection of "Abrau-Durso" sparkling & still wines as well as Russian wines from "Vedernikov Winery" and "Divnomorskoe Manor". Here you can enjoy a glass of wine while shopping or walking, have a snack or a full lunch or dinner. Two chiefs, Sergei Alshevsky ("Abrau-Durso") and Sergei Gubanov (GUM) have found a balance between the traditional wine snacks, gourmet gastronomic serving and the original author's dishes.
Classic wine snacks (caviar, oysters, mussels, bruschetta, snails), and gastronomic interpretation of Russian products (appetizer of king crab, balyk, ceviche, baked sturgeon), European soups and salads as well as hot dishes, burgers and wonderful desserts are on the menu.
The new space unites the tradition of the two legendary houses with a rich history. "Abrau-Durso" wine room is a dining bar with a full menu, offering the complete collection of "Abrau-Durso" sparkling & still wines as well as Russian wines from "Vedernikov Winery" and "Divnomorskoe Manor". Here you can enjoy a glass of wine while shopping or walking, have a snack or a full lunch or dinner. Two chiefs, Sergei Alshevsky ("Abrau-Durso") and Sergei Gubanov (GUM) have found a balance between the traditional wine snacks, gourmet gastronomic serving and the original author's dishes.
Classic wine snacks (caviar, oysters, mussels, bruschetta, snails), and gastronomic interpretation of Russian products (appetizer of king crab, balyk, ceviche, baked sturgeon), European soups and salads as well as hot dishes, burgers and wonderful desserts are on the menu.
109012 Москва Красная площадь, 3
8 (800) 700-28-28 internetboutique@gum.ru