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28 february 2023
Exhibition “Pahom. Les fleurs du…” in GUM-Red-Line Gallery
The exposition includes paintings and photographs created by the artist in 2022 and 2023. Some of the works were made in collaboration with the artist Marinesca, Pahom's constant collaborator.
At the opening of the project, the author presented the performance "Great Lying 02/27/23", which was documented and included in the exhibition in video format.
As project curator Mikhail Sidlin notes, the title "Les fleurs du..." refers the viewer to a collection of poems by the French poet Charles Baudelaire "Flowers of Evil". From the core of 10 large paintings light comes out in the form of flower petals. This light can be identified with the mana of the Melanesians or the farn of the Persians, that is, the magical power of the ancient prophets and computer games. A mixture of different traditions, cultural canons and phenomena is one of the characteristic features of Pakhom's work, which allows expanding the boundaries of the author's work, including artistic, acting, musical and performative formats. The performance “Great Lying 27.02.23” is a Dionysian action, a celebration of life and its wealth. The main value of Pahom's works is the affirmation of love for life and joy.

In the center of the exhibition are 10 new canvases (2 x 1.5 m), painted specifically for the project. Pahom combines the visual elements of psychedelic culture with oriental motifs, the legacy of Soviet and post-Soviet underground culture. As curator Mikhail Sidlin notes, this is a new stage of large-scale creativity for the artist. And you can feel it in a detailed examination of each of the canvases and observation of the author through digital photographs, also presented in the GUM-Red-Line. Retaining the status of a cultural hero of the metamodern era, Pahom creates a pantheon of idols - images that flash before the audience in popular culture, existing in the collective unconscious. He acts as an equalizer of cultural layers, and the artist Marinesca becomes his co-author in this process. Among the “caught” and fixed images are the devil on skates and Kashpirovsky, Rasputin and the boxer, the mad Pierrot and the cactus man, combined as self-portraits of the artist himself. Some of them grew out of telekitsch, some were inspired by the great paintings of the past or the myths of the golden age.. 

28 february
Exhibition “Pahom. Les fleurs du…” in GUM-Red-Line Gallery
The exposition includes paintings and photographs created by the artist in 2022 and 2023. Some of the works were made in collaboration with the artist Marinesca, Pahom's constant collaborator.
At the opening of the project, the author presented the performance "Great Lying 02/27/23", which was documented and included in the exhibition in video format.
As project curator Mikhail Sidlin notes, the title "Les fleurs du..." refers the viewer to a collection of poems by the French poet Charles Baudelaire "Flowers of Evil". From the core of 10 large paintings light comes out in the form of flower petals. This light can be identified with the mana of the Melanesians or the farn of the Persians, that is, the magical power of the ancient prophets and computer games. A mixture of different traditions, cultural canons and phenomena is one of the characteristic features of Pakhom's work, which allows expanding the boundaries of the author's work, including artistic, acting, musical and performative formats. The performance “Great Lying 27.02.23” is a Dionysian action, a celebration of life and its wealth. The main value of Pahom's works is the affirmation of love for life and joy.

In the center of the exhibition are 10 new canvases (2 x 1.5 m), painted specifically for the project. Pahom combines the visual elements of psychedelic culture with oriental motifs, the legacy of Soviet and post-Soviet underground culture. As curator Mikhail Sidlin notes, this is a new stage of large-scale creativity for the artist. And you can feel it in a detailed examination of each of the canvases and observation of the author through digital photographs, also presented in the GUM-Red-Line. Retaining the status of a cultural hero of the metamodern era, Pahom creates a pantheon of idols - images that flash before the audience in popular culture, existing in the collective unconscious. He acts as an equalizer of cultural layers, and the artist Marinesca becomes his co-author in this process. Among the “caught” and fixed images are the devil on skates and Kashpirovsky, Rasputin and the boxer, the mad Pierrot and the cactus man, combined as self-portraits of the artist himself. Some of them grew out of telekitsch, some were inspired by the great paintings of the past or the myths of the golden age.. 

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