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2 march 2023
Spring bouquets in the center of GUM, by the fountain!
Sunny bouquets of fragrant mimosa are symbols of the coming spring.

Give your loved ones a spring mood. At the flower market in the center of GUM, near the fountain, there is a unique offer: a bouquet of mimosa at a special price. And for you: fresh tulips and daffodils, delicate roses, small purple campanulas, juicy primroses, Kalanchoe, luxurious hydrangeas, green heders, bright yellow forsythia and miniature pansies - for every taste! All these flowers live in large baskets and small wooden boxes, and they can also collect a bouquet in a gift box for you.

See you in blooming GUM!
2 march
Spring bouquets in the center of GUM, by the fountain!
Sunny bouquets of fragrant mimosa are symbols of the coming spring.

Give your loved ones a spring mood. At the flower market in the center of GUM, near the fountain, there is a unique offer: a bouquet of mimosa at a special price. And for you: fresh tulips and daffodils, delicate roses, small purple campanulas, juicy primroses, Kalanchoe, luxurious hydrangeas, green heders, bright yellow forsythia and miniature pansies - for every taste! All these flowers live in large baskets and small wooden boxes, and they can also collect a bouquet in a gift box for you.

See you in blooming GUM!
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8 (800) 700-28-28 internetboutique@gum.ru