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29 november 2017
John Lobb: gift Ideas
It is well-known that Prince Charles was not very faithful to Princess Diana. But being a true gentleman and dandy, he is loyal to his favorite shoe brand John Lobb for many years. In the run-up to the holidays, we dropped at the boutique of the brand in GUM and chose several beautiful gifts for men
Expensive shoes need appropriate care. John Lobb shoe care kit in a leather case of a noble wine hue with a traditional yellow lining contains two brooms made of horsehair and beech wood. The set also includes cream and conditioner that will help to keep your pair of shoes in perfect condition.
John Lobb polishing shoe glove of genuine leather and sheep wool is easy to store. It can be folded so as to occupy very little space, which is nice for trips.
John Lobb belt is surely our favorite accessory. It will complement the limited collection of Hawke shoes created for the 10th anniversary of the brand in Russia.
Come for the gifts to John Lobb in GUM!
29 november
John Lobb: gift Ideas
It is well-known that Prince Charles was not very faithful to Princess Diana. But being a true gentleman and dandy, he is loyal to his favorite shoe brand John Lobb for many years. In the run-up to the holidays, we dropped at the boutique of the brand in GUM and chose several beautiful gifts for men
Expensive shoes need appropriate care. John Lobb shoe care kit in a leather case of a noble wine hue with a traditional yellow lining contains two brooms made of horsehair and beech wood. The set also includes cream and conditioner that will help to keep your pair of shoes in perfect condition.
John Lobb polishing shoe glove of genuine leather and sheep wool is easy to store. It can be folded so as to occupy very little space, which is nice for trips.
John Lobb belt is surely our favorite accessory. It will complement the limited collection of Hawke shoes created for the 10th anniversary of the brand in Russia.
Come for the gifts to John Lobb in GUM!
109012 Москва Красная площадь, 3
8 (800) 700-28-28 internetboutique@gum.ru