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17 december 2017
New Year in Bosco Café and at GUM-Skating rink at Red Square

There is an excellent plan for those who have not yet decided on how to see the New Year in. Start with the Italian Bosco Grand Cafe at Red Square, and then enjoy skating at the GUM-Rink to the chime of the Kremlin bells. This holiday will be remembered for a long time. It is not for nothing that they say: you will live through the new year the same way you see it in!

The cost of the offer includes refined appetizers and salads, as well as hot dishes from our Italian chef to choose from: beef medallions with "3 pepper" sauce, sea bass with vegetables and shrimps or baked quail with pineapple. The most delicious is for afters: a home-made tiramisu and a bottle of Italian sparkling wine to create a 100% festive mood.

It's time to warm up after such a gastronomic abundance: put on brand new skates and make the first selfies of the new year right at Red Square, at the festively illuminated GUM - on the ice of the famous GUM-Skating Rink!

Learn the details & make reservation calling +7 (495) 620-31-82

17 december
New Year in Bosco Café and at GUM-Skating rink at Red Square

There is an excellent plan for those who have not yet decided on how to see the New Year in. Start with the Italian Bosco Grand Cafe at Red Square, and then enjoy skating at the GUM-Rink to the chime of the Kremlin bells. This holiday will be remembered for a long time. It is not for nothing that they say: you will live through the new year the same way you see it in!

The cost of the offer includes refined appetizers and salads, as well as hot dishes from our Italian chef to choose from: beef medallions with "3 pepper" sauce, sea bass with vegetables and shrimps or baked quail with pineapple. The most delicious is for afters: a home-made tiramisu and a bottle of Italian sparkling wine to create a 100% festive mood.

It's time to warm up after such a gastronomic abundance: put on brand new skates and make the first selfies of the new year right at Red Square, at the festively illuminated GUM - on the ice of the famous GUM-Skating Rink!

Learn the details & make reservation calling +7 (495) 620-31-82

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