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22 december 2017
Freywille: Poetry of Love

Jewelry House FREYWILLE continues to bring the art to the masses by praising the famous artists. The new highly artistic design is the first experiment of the brand with noble pink gold. Poetry of Love is a new jewelry piece in the collection "Dedication to Alfonse Mucha".
The recognizable style of the Czech artist, the bright representative of the Art Nouveau epoch, just cannot leave indifferent. We advise you to take a closer look especially if you are looking for a gift for a creative nature!
You are welcome to Freywille in GUM!

22 december
Freywille: Poetry of Love

Jewelry House FREYWILLE continues to bring the art to the masses by praising the famous artists. The new highly artistic design is the first experiment of the brand with noble pink gold. Poetry of Love is a new jewelry piece in the collection "Dedication to Alfonse Mucha".
The recognizable style of the Czech artist, the bright representative of the Art Nouveau epoch, just cannot leave indifferent. We advise you to take a closer look especially if you are looking for a gift for a creative nature!
You are welcome to Freywille in GUM!

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