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28 february 2018
The last day of the Festival Chinese New Year in GUM
February 28th is the last day of the Festival Chinese New Year in GUM. Performances of Chinese artists are no longer held at the lines. But the main store of the country is still worth visiting. You can appreciate the fantastic design by the artist Jackie Tsai and the fair of Chinese food at the third line.
You should certainly taste the dishes from the menu of the Bosco fresh & bar from the Hong Kong owner of the three Michelin stars Albert Ou, take part in tea ceremonies and calligraphy workshops. Oh, we have almost forgot about the new Chinese tastes of the famous GUM ice cream!
Follow the events and the program at www.gumrussia.com and in social networks @gum_ru
The hashtag is #GUMxCNY.

28 february
The last day of the Festival Chinese New Year in GUM
February 28th is the last day of the Festival Chinese New Year in GUM. Performances of Chinese artists are no longer held at the lines. But the main store of the country is still worth visiting. You can appreciate the fantastic design by the artist Jackie Tsai and the fair of Chinese food at the third line.
You should certainly taste the dishes from the menu of the Bosco fresh & bar from the Hong Kong owner of the three Michelin stars Albert Ou, take part in tea ceremonies and calligraphy workshops. Oh, we have almost forgot about the new Chinese tastes of the famous GUM ice cream!
Follow the events and the program at www.gumrussia.com and in social networks @gum_ru
The hashtag is #GUMxCNY.

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8 (800) 700-28-28 internetboutique@gum.ru