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1 march 2018
Festive discounts in Rendez-Vous
There are unmistakable signs of spring: heels’ clicking is heard, strict "winter" bags are replaced by bright summer ones, and the domes of the multi-colored umbrellas are opened in the rain. It's time to look for the new accessories and shoes, as warm days are just around the corner! Until March 11th, gifts for fair ladies are 25% discounted in Rendez-Vous!
The promo is valid for Privilege card holders, the discounts are not summed up.
You are welcome to Rendez-Vous in GUM!

1 march
Festive discounts in Rendez-Vous
There are unmistakable signs of spring: heels’ clicking is heard, strict "winter" bags are replaced by bright summer ones, and the domes of the multi-colored umbrellas are opened in the rain. It's time to look for the new accessories and shoes, as warm days are just around the corner! Until March 11th, gifts for fair ladies are 25% discounted in Rendez-Vous!
The promo is valid for Privilege card holders, the discounts are not summed up.
You are welcome to Rendez-Vous in GUM!

109012 Москва Красная площадь, 3
8 (800) 700-28-28 internetboutique@gum.ru