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29 march 2018
New derbies in John Lobb boutique

The model is made using the advanced Tensile design, which provides high flexibility and durability of leather soles. The new design is the result of a long work on the creation of the lightest and most comfortable shoes with a welt, manufactured according to the traditional English Goodyear technology. Quilted insole is the key design element. A partial lining is used for convenience and comfort.

New derbies are available in black & prune shades in John Lobb boutique in GUM.

29 march
New derbies in John Lobb boutique

The model is made using the advanced Tensile design, which provides high flexibility and durability of leather soles. The new design is the result of a long work on the creation of the lightest and most comfortable shoes with a welt, manufactured according to the traditional English Goodyear technology. Quilted insole is the key design element. A partial lining is used for convenience and comfort.

New derbies are available in black & prune shades in John Lobb boutique in GUM.

109012 Москва Красная площадь, 3
8 (800) 700-28-28 internetboutique@gum.ru