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26 december 2016
Pre-New Year campaign in branded Samsung store
Samsung branded store offers to take advantage of festive campaign until December 31st 2016: get an incredible Gear Fit2 fitness bracelet featuring GPS-tracker, heart rate monitor, music player and a color sAMOLED screen almost twice cheaper when purchasing a smartphone of Samsung Galaxy series.
Do not miss a chance to become the owner of an incredibly stylish and functional gadget at a price of 6990 rubles! It will surely become your faithful companion, not only during exercise, but also in everyday life. 
The detailed terms of the campaign can be specified at https://galaxystore.ru/promo/gear-fit2-6990/

 See you in branded Samsung store in GUM!
26 december
Pre-New Year campaign in branded Samsung store
Samsung branded store offers to take advantage of festive campaign until December 31st 2016: get an incredible Gear Fit2 fitness bracelet featuring GPS-tracker, heart rate monitor, music player and a color sAMOLED screen almost twice cheaper when purchasing a smartphone of Samsung Galaxy series.
Do not miss a chance to become the owner of an incredibly stylish and functional gadget at a price of 6990 rubles! It will surely become your faithful companion, not only during exercise, but also in everyday life. 
The detailed terms of the campaign can be specified at https://galaxystore.ru/promo/gear-fit2-6990/

 See you in branded Samsung store in GUM!
109012 Москва Красная площадь, 3
8 (800) 700-28-28 internetboutique@gum.ru