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29 december 2016
Glasses store offers Tokai lenses, the best protection against computer, smartphone or tablet radiation.

It is a great gift for everyone who spends a lot of time at the computer, smartphone or tablet. The sales of exclusive Tokai eyeglass lenses were started in Glasses store. Tokai glass lenses are the best protection against computer, phone, tablet & fluorescent lamps radiation. 

From December 15th to January 15th the world's thinnest aspherical glass lenses Tokai 1,76 are 25% discounted. 

See you in Glasses store in GUM!

29 december
Glasses store offers Tokai lenses, the best protection against computer, smartphone or tablet radiation.

It is a great gift for everyone who spends a lot of time at the computer, smartphone or tablet. The sales of exclusive Tokai eyeglass lenses were started in Glasses store. Tokai glass lenses are the best protection against computer, phone, tablet & fluorescent lamps radiation. 

From December 15th to January 15th the world's thinnest aspherical glass lenses Tokai 1,76 are 25% discounted. 

See you in Glasses store in GUM!

109012 Москва Красная площадь, 3
8 (800) 700-28-28 internetboutique@gum.ru