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29 december 2016
Zhostovo offers hand-painted authors’ Christmas balls

Find a real New Year's gift that will amaze with beauty and elegance - Zhostovoblown glass ball with hand-painted multilayered pattern and author's signature. Each ball is packed into a beautiful box or painted casket with branded certificate. We offer up to 20% off in honor of the holidays. 

The village of Zhostovo, Moscow region is famous for marvelous craft of art painting since 1825. Zhostovo artist never works with samples. He is guided by imagination and also by those unwritten canons that were perceived and polished by generations that is why each piece is a real work of art. 

You are welcome to Zhostovo store in GUM!

29 december
Zhostovo offers hand-painted authors’ Christmas balls

Find a real New Year's gift that will amaze with beauty and elegance - Zhostovoblown glass ball with hand-painted multilayered pattern and author's signature. Each ball is packed into a beautiful box or painted casket with branded certificate. We offer up to 20% off in honor of the holidays. 

The village of Zhostovo, Moscow region is famous for marvelous craft of art painting since 1825. Zhostovo artist never works with samples. He is guided by imagination and also by those unwritten canons that were perceived and polished by generations that is why each piece is a real work of art. 

You are welcome to Zhostovo store in GUM!

109012 Москва Красная площадь, 3
8 (800) 700-28-28 internetboutique@gum.ru