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30 december 2016
Versace: watches with history
Versace watches are notbought to check the time. It is a prestigious accessory, clear reflection of the owner’s style, the embodiment of elegant luxury and refined taste. After more than 25 years since the launch of the first model, the modern collections are the perfect combination of impeccably operating complex movements and design that is next to art.

The watches by the iconic brand can be purchased at GUM starting from December 23rd. It is a marvelous Pre-New Year start-up.Newly openedVersace boutique features new collections and best-sellers along with the wide range of iconic accessories.

See you in Versace boutique in GUM!
30 december
Versace: watches with history
Versace watches are notbought to check the time. It is a prestigious accessory, clear reflection of the owner’s style, the embodiment of elegant luxury and refined taste. After more than 25 years since the launch of the first model, the modern collections are the perfect combination of impeccably operating complex movements and design that is next to art.

The watches by the iconic brand can be purchased at GUM starting from December 23rd. It is a marvelous Pre-New Year start-up.Newly openedVersace boutique features new collections and best-sellers along with the wide range of iconic accessories.

See you in Versace boutique in GUM!
109012 Москва Красная площадь, 3
8 (800) 700-28-28 internetboutique@gum.ru