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29 may 2018
Super Promo: Jura Impressa J90 coffee machine
How much do you spend on coffee? Let’s take a drink for 350 rubles 1 time a day. Almost 126 000 rubles a year is charged off if you are a loyal coffee drinker. We did not consider sleepless nights and other unforeseen circumstances!

For those who cannot live without coffee, Jura reduces the price of the popular Impressa J90 coffee machine. Now you can buy a fully automatic model for making drinks with one touch for only 119 990 rubles instead of 139 990 rubles. It allows to enjoy your favorite coffee - from ristretto to latte macchiato - not for 1 year, but for many years ahead!

The popular J90 features Aroma + grinder that grinds the grain twice as fast while preserving the rich coffee aroma. You will also appreciate the revolutionary technology of making fine-mesh foam allowing to cap each latte macchiato or cappuccino with a lush and weightless milk foam.

The offer is limited, so do not postpone the purchase. Choose your perfect espresso machine in Jura boutique at the 3rd level of the 3rd GUM line!

29 may
Super Promo: Jura Impressa J90 coffee machine
How much do you spend on coffee? Let’s take a drink for 350 rubles 1 time a day. Almost 126 000 rubles a year is charged off if you are a loyal coffee drinker. We did not consider sleepless nights and other unforeseen circumstances!

For those who cannot live without coffee, Jura reduces the price of the popular Impressa J90 coffee machine. Now you can buy a fully automatic model for making drinks with one touch for only 119 990 rubles instead of 139 990 rubles. It allows to enjoy your favorite coffee - from ristretto to latte macchiato - not for 1 year, but for many years ahead!

The popular J90 features Aroma + grinder that grinds the grain twice as fast while preserving the rich coffee aroma. You will also appreciate the revolutionary technology of making fine-mesh foam allowing to cap each latte macchiato or cappuccino with a lush and weightless milk foam.

The offer is limited, so do not postpone the purchase. Choose your perfect espresso machine in Jura boutique at the 3rd level of the 3rd GUM line!

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