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30 may 2018
The winner of the contest "Why I want to go Artek" is announced!
The contest "Why I want to go to Artek" for those who want to see the legendary camp with their own eyes is over!

Any child from 8 to 15 years old could take part in it and win a ticket to the International Children's Center "Artek"! It was necessary to write an essay in free form, bring it to Children's GUM and give it to Lyudmila from April 15th to May 2nd.

We are happy to congratulate the winner of our contest - Trofimova Paraskeva, 12 years old!

"Artek" is not just the largest and most famous children's center in the world. This is one of the most recognizable Soviet brands with its long history, unique traditions and the atmosphere of a happy childhood.

30 may
The winner of the contest "Why I want to go Artek" is announced!
The contest "Why I want to go to Artek" for those who want to see the legendary camp with their own eyes is over!

Any child from 8 to 15 years old could take part in it and win a ticket to the International Children's Center "Artek"! It was necessary to write an essay in free form, bring it to Children's GUM and give it to Lyudmila from April 15th to May 2nd.

We are happy to congratulate the winner of our contest - Trofimova Paraskeva, 12 years old!

"Artek" is not just the largest and most famous children's center in the world. This is one of the most recognizable Soviet brands with its long history, unique traditions and the atmosphere of a happy childhood.

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