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20 february 2024
New brand in the men's underwear salon X.O.
Meet a new masterpiece in the collection of men's underwear salon brands Х.О. - elegant and practical elastic belts from the Belgian brand La Boucle! These accessories are of the highest quality and exquisite design. The nobility of the material is given by dense weaving in combination with elegant elements made of genuine Italian leather.

A variety of shades allows you to choose a belt to suit any look and mood: from bright and rich to soft and pastel colors. This belt will be an ideal gift for any occasion and will delight you with its functionality for many years.

Don't miss the opportunity to purchase a stylish accessory that will harmoniously match your look and become a symbol of your refined taste!

We are waiting for you  2nd floor of the 3rd line of GUM.
Additional information by phone: +7(495)620-32-02
20 february
New brand in the men's underwear salon X.O.
Meet a new masterpiece in the collection of men's underwear salon brands Х.О. - elegant and practical elastic belts from the Belgian brand La Boucle! These accessories are of the highest quality and exquisite design. The nobility of the material is given by dense weaving in combination with elegant elements made of genuine Italian leather.

A variety of shades allows you to choose a belt to suit any look and mood: from bright and rich to soft and pastel colors. This belt will be an ideal gift for any occasion and will delight you with its functionality for many years.

Don't miss the opportunity to purchase a stylish accessory that will harmoniously match your look and become a symbol of your refined taste!

We are waiting for you  2nd floor of the 3rd line of GUM.
Additional information by phone: +7(495)620-32-02
109012 Москва Красная площадь, 3
8 (800) 700-28-28 internetboutique@gum.ru