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23 july 2018
Russian spirit: new arrivals in Crystal & Porcelain store
The traditional Russian top-quality crystal made by the craftsmen of the Dyatkovo Crystal Factory has been famous for its beauty and elegance for many years.

Dyatkovo Crystal Factory creates not just crystal, but gives an air of celebration, joyful emotions and festive mood. The craftsmen remember the history of the factory, making the products with warmth, love and desire to bring people beauty and harmony. The craftsmen of the Dyatkovo Crystal Factory apply a unique hand-making and cutting technology that make the products especially valuable.

Today, 95% of the products are made by hand. The beauty and harmony of the products are born in the hands of the craftsmen, who absorbed the experience and wisdom of the previous generations of glassmakers. The products contain 24% of lead oxide, which corresponds to the generally accepted world standards. This gives the products the splendor of a real crystal, preserving the properties for many years.

Luxury items that carry an original artistic idea and store the imprint of the master's hand are excellent gifts to business partners, colleagues, keen & friends.

You are welcome to Crystal & Porcelain store, 1st line, 3rd level! 

23 july
Russian spirit: new arrivals in Crystal & Porcelain store
The traditional Russian top-quality crystal made by the craftsmen of the Dyatkovo Crystal Factory has been famous for its beauty and elegance for many years.

Dyatkovo Crystal Factory creates not just crystal, but gives an air of celebration, joyful emotions and festive mood. The craftsmen remember the history of the factory, making the products with warmth, love and desire to bring people beauty and harmony. The craftsmen of the Dyatkovo Crystal Factory apply a unique hand-making and cutting technology that make the products especially valuable.

Today, 95% of the products are made by hand. The beauty and harmony of the products are born in the hands of the craftsmen, who absorbed the experience and wisdom of the previous generations of glassmakers. The products contain 24% of lead oxide, which corresponds to the generally accepted world standards. This gives the products the splendor of a real crystal, preserving the properties for many years.

Luxury items that carry an original artistic idea and store the imprint of the master's hand are excellent gifts to business partners, colleagues, keen & friends.

You are welcome to Crystal & Porcelain store, 1st line, 3rd level! 

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