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30 january 2017
Laduree: "Love Letter" box
The well-known proverb says that women love with their ears - that's why the legendary French patisserie Laduree has prepared "Love Letter" box, a special gift for February 14th. Thanks to a miniature device hidden behind a hinged top panel, you can record a short greeting, which will be heard by the addressee when opening a box with the famous dessert.
Choose the tastes of the famous macaron cakes to fill the box to your liking. We recommend to savor new "Gingerbread Heart" macaron made in the form of scarlet heart. Creamy layer with the taste of ginger between two almond cookies - this variation of the famous dessert was created especially for Valentine's Day. It is no coincidence that ginger was chosen. Ginger is a well-known aphrodisiac, that has an exciting taste with the hints of spice and tartness.

You are welcome to savor new Ginger Heart macaron and purchase "Love Letter" box  at Laduree in GUM!
30 january
Laduree: "Love Letter" box
The well-known proverb says that women love with their ears - that's why the legendary French patisserie Laduree has prepared "Love Letter" box, a special gift for February 14th. Thanks to a miniature device hidden behind a hinged top panel, you can record a short greeting, which will be heard by the addressee when opening a box with the famous dessert.
Choose the tastes of the famous macaron cakes to fill the box to your liking. We recommend to savor new "Gingerbread Heart" macaron made in the form of scarlet heart. Creamy layer with the taste of ginger between two almond cookies - this variation of the famous dessert was created especially for Valentine's Day. It is no coincidence that ginger was chosen. Ginger is a well-known aphrodisiac, that has an exciting taste with the hints of spice and tartness.

You are welcome to savor new Ginger Heart macaron and purchase "Love Letter" box  at Laduree in GUM!
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