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19 february 2019
Spring/Summer 2019 Ermanno Scervino Advertising Campaign

The advertising campaign of the upcoming season was created by Luigi & Iango, the Italian-Swiss duo of fashion photographers Luigi Murenu and Iango Henzi, in Milan.

The designer Ermanno Scervino says: “This campaign reflects my perception of womanhood and beauty. The 60s and 70s, as well as the Swinging Sixties in London with their thirst for freedom and emancipation have always inspired me. I loved the idea of showing a contemporary woman who is feminine and seductive, but at the same time independent as never before. In my opinion, Luigi Murenu and Iango Henzi did a great job capturing all this in the images”.

The campaign portrays the British supermodel Edie Campbell in black and white. Sensual and feminine, her beauty is enhanced by the most precious creations from the new Ermanno Scervino collection.

19 february
Spring/Summer 2019 Ermanno Scervino Advertising Campaign

The advertising campaign of the upcoming season was created by Luigi & Iango, the Italian-Swiss duo of fashion photographers Luigi Murenu and Iango Henzi, in Milan.

The designer Ermanno Scervino says: “This campaign reflects my perception of womanhood and beauty. The 60s and 70s, as well as the Swinging Sixties in London with their thirst for freedom and emancipation have always inspired me. I loved the idea of showing a contemporary woman who is feminine and seductive, but at the same time independent as never before. In my opinion, Luigi Murenu and Iango Henzi did a great job capturing all this in the images”.

The campaign portrays the British supermodel Edie Campbell in black and white. Sensual and feminine, her beauty is enhanced by the most precious creations from the new Ermanno Scervino collection.

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