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22 march 2017
Blackglama: "vacation" for your fur coat
Fur coats need rest after a long winter - not in the hot countries, but in the cold. Heat is the main reason for fur aging. It will fade and lose elasticity in case it is stored at a temperature above 25 ° C for a long time. Therefore, the best way to lengthen the life of your favorite fur coat is to send it to fur stores.
The official fur salon Blackglama offers a service of fur coats’ & fur hats’ summer storage during the warm year period. A perfect microclimate is created in special cold rooms. It is about the optimum humidity (40-50%) and air temperature (+ 4 ° to + 8 ° C), the complete absence of sunlight and constant air recirculation. Fur coats hang on special hangers with wide shoulders and in a fabric cover with a skeleton.
Also Blackglama craftsmen can be asked to fit a fur coat to the figure, restore or change the accessories.

See you in the official Blackglama  furrier’s in GUM (2nd level, 3rd line)!

22 march
Blackglama: "vacation" for your fur coat
Fur coats need rest after a long winter - not in the hot countries, but in the cold. Heat is the main reason for fur aging. It will fade and lose elasticity in case it is stored at a temperature above 25 ° C for a long time. Therefore, the best way to lengthen the life of your favorite fur coat is to send it to fur stores.
The official fur salon Blackglama offers a service of fur coats’ & fur hats’ summer storage during the warm year period. A perfect microclimate is created in special cold rooms. It is about the optimum humidity (40-50%) and air temperature (+ 4 ° to + 8 ° C), the complete absence of sunlight and constant air recirculation. Fur coats hang on special hangers with wide shoulders and in a fabric cover with a skeleton.
Also Blackglama craftsmen can be asked to fit a fur coat to the figure, restore or change the accessories.

See you in the official Blackglama  furrier’s in GUM (2nd level, 3rd line)!

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8 (800) 700-28-28 internetboutique@gum.ru