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18 september 2019
Soon at GUM: Exhibition of Agricultural Achievements!

The legendary Gastronome #1 is launching its annual exhibition on September 18. The event will run until October 13.

Visit Line 3 of GUM to enjoy all the new harvest has to offer. Thirty-four participants will present the most exceptional farm produce: milk products, cheese, meat, sausages, smoked fish, vegetables, fruit, honey, and so much more! All the products are eco-friendly and organic. They originate from different regions of Russia: Siberia, Saratov, Yaroslavl Oblast, Moscow Oblast, Novorossiysk, Saint Petersburg, Bashkortostan, Novosibirsk, and the Russian Far East.

This year Russian winemakers are also featured at the expo. Guests will be able to take part in masterclasses by professional sommeliers, meetings with winemakers, and tastings. Your favorite wine is already available at Gastronome #1. The list of participating winemakers includes the famous Abrau-Durso, Golubytskoye Estate specializing on 7 European grapes, AlmaValley from Crimea, Gai-Kodzor from Krasnodar Krai, Sober-Bash presenting the best wines of Caucasus.

Traditionally, the expo is also a platform for the best farmers. The newcomers include the Land of the Salmon Co. specializing in fish from the Far East, the Got Meat! Craft Smoke House with its brand braised brisket, Shepherd from Abrau Dairy with bryndza, ricotta, mozzarella, and scamorza, TRAWA with its fine oils, and Flax & Buckwheat Bakery by Elena Perminova with its green buckwheat pastries.

The famous Central Fountain is decorated as a massive cornucopia. The most popular of the expo will be added to the products available at Gastronome #1.

All are welcome at the Exhibition of Agricultural Achievements at GUM!

18 september
Soon at GUM: Exhibition of Agricultural Achievements!

The legendary Gastronome #1 is launching its annual exhibition on September 18. The event will run until October 13.

Visit Line 3 of GUM to enjoy all the new harvest has to offer. Thirty-four participants will present the most exceptional farm produce: milk products, cheese, meat, sausages, smoked fish, vegetables, fruit, honey, and so much more! All the products are eco-friendly and organic. They originate from different regions of Russia: Siberia, Saratov, Yaroslavl Oblast, Moscow Oblast, Novorossiysk, Saint Petersburg, Bashkortostan, Novosibirsk, and the Russian Far East.

This year Russian winemakers are also featured at the expo. Guests will be able to take part in masterclasses by professional sommeliers, meetings with winemakers, and tastings. Your favorite wine is already available at Gastronome #1. The list of participating winemakers includes the famous Abrau-Durso, Golubytskoye Estate specializing on 7 European grapes, AlmaValley from Crimea, Gai-Kodzor from Krasnodar Krai, Sober-Bash presenting the best wines of Caucasus.

Traditionally, the expo is also a platform for the best farmers. The newcomers include the Land of the Salmon Co. specializing in fish from the Far East, the Got Meat! Craft Smoke House with its brand braised brisket, Shepherd from Abrau Dairy with bryndza, ricotta, mozzarella, and scamorza, TRAWA with its fine oils, and Flax & Buckwheat Bakery by Elena Perminova with its green buckwheat pastries.

The famous Central Fountain is decorated as a massive cornucopia. The most popular of the expo will be added to the products available at Gastronome #1.

All are welcome at the Exhibition of Agricultural Achievements at GUM!

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8 (800) 700-28-28 internetboutique@gum.ru