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20 november 2019
Movie Club with Galina Aksenova. Monsieur Gangster (Les Tontons Flinguers)

The next movie club session with Galina Aksenova is scheduled for November 27, at 20:00. The theme: Monsieur Gangster.

The French-German-Italian criminal comedy tells us a story about a law-abiding citizen – Fernand Naudin (Lino Ventura) – who gets appointed head of a criminal gang at the death bed of his friend and becomes the guardian of his friend's young daughter.

The film was released in 1963 drew. Critics did not appreciate the film, while the viewers immediately fell in love with it; with time, the film acquired cult status. What is the reason for the incredible popularity of the comedy? Albert Simonin's famous novel, witty dialogues by screenwriter Michel Audiard, Michel Magne's musical variations (in 1964 he became even more famous after Fantômas and Angelique, The Marquise of Angels), Georges Lautner's intellectual direction or changes in the detective genre? It is difficult to say, but the film is considered a French classic.

Guests gather for a light buffet with champagne at 19:00, the beginning of the movie club session is at 20:00. Tickets (1000 rubles) can be purchased via the site or at the GUM Cinema ticket office (Floor 3, Line 3).

See you at the movies!

20 november
Movie Club with Galina Aksenova. Monsieur Gangster (Les Tontons Flinguers)

The next movie club session with Galina Aksenova is scheduled for November 27, at 20:00. The theme: Monsieur Gangster.

The French-German-Italian criminal comedy tells us a story about a law-abiding citizen – Fernand Naudin (Lino Ventura) – who gets appointed head of a criminal gang at the death bed of his friend and becomes the guardian of his friend's young daughter.

The film was released in 1963 drew. Critics did not appreciate the film, while the viewers immediately fell in love with it; with time, the film acquired cult status. What is the reason for the incredible popularity of the comedy? Albert Simonin's famous novel, witty dialogues by screenwriter Michel Audiard, Michel Magne's musical variations (in 1964 he became even more famous after Fantômas and Angelique, The Marquise of Angels), Georges Lautner's intellectual direction or changes in the detective genre? It is difficult to say, but the film is considered a French classic.

Guests gather for a light buffet with champagne at 19:00, the beginning of the movie club session is at 20:00. Tickets (1000 rubles) can be purchased via the site or at the GUM Cinema ticket office (Floor 3, Line 3).

See you at the movies!

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