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28 april 2017
Garden Party: Twinset Simona Barbieri capsule collection
Summer is just around the corner, which means it's time to go shopping in search of light outfits. Especially since Twinset Simona Barbieri in GUM offers Garden Party capsule collection, which ad campaign features it girl and high-profile fashion blogger Linda Tol.
The collection is made up by flower prints and weightless chiffon. Tops with bows, fringed dresses, suits and bright blouses are suitable not only for a summer walk around the city, but also for business meetings and official events. Feminine and eclectic style, embodied in pearly, powdery, dusty pink and bright red shades, will surely conquer even the most demanding fashionista.

You are welcome to Twinset Simona Barbieri in GUM!
28 april
Garden Party: Twinset Simona Barbieri capsule collection
Summer is just around the corner, which means it's time to go shopping in search of light outfits. Especially since Twinset Simona Barbieri in GUM offers Garden Party capsule collection, which ad campaign features it girl and high-profile fashion blogger Linda Tol.
The collection is made up by flower prints and weightless chiffon. Tops with bows, fringed dresses, suits and bright blouses are suitable not only for a summer walk around the city, but also for business meetings and official events. Feminine and eclectic style, embodied in pearly, powdery, dusty pink and bright red shades, will surely conquer even the most demanding fashionista.

You are welcome to Twinset Simona Barbieri in GUM!
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