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5 march 2020
Celebrate Spring at La Perla!
Dear ladies, we invite you to celebrate spring with us at La Perla Boutique, GUM. The famous Italian brand, with more than half a century of history, has created an atmosphere of frivolity and romance.
For three days (March 6-8) relax with a glass of sparkling wine while listening to beautiful cello music. Guests are offered delicate spring bouquets as gifts and enjoy, as always, the luxury of silk and lace that constitute La Perla collections.
An additional 8% discount is available to your loyalty card during these three days. We look forward to seeing you at the La Perla Boutique, GUM, Line 3, Floor 1.

5 march
Celebrate Spring at La Perla!
Dear ladies, we invite you to celebrate spring with us at La Perla Boutique, GUM. The famous Italian brand, with more than half a century of history, has created an atmosphere of frivolity and romance.
For three days (March 6-8) relax with a glass of sparkling wine while listening to beautiful cello music. Guests are offered delicate spring bouquets as gifts and enjoy, as always, the luxury of silk and lace that constitute La Perla collections.
An additional 8% discount is available to your loyalty card during these three days. We look forward to seeing you at the La Perla Boutique, GUM, Line 3, Floor 1.

109012 Москва Красная площадь, 3
8 (800) 700-28-28 internetboutique@gum.ru