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8 june 2020
Summer in the City: Electra Urban Bicycles

Electra was established in the USA in 1993. Benno Bänziger and Jeano Erforth decided to create stylish and affordable cruiser bicycles combining classic design and modern technologies.

In 2003, the legendary Townie model was introduced. The model was the first to incorporate the Flat Foot technology that has become the cornerstone of the brand’s concept. Flat Foot helped Electra bikes to become the most comfortable in the world.

Electra bikes can be bought in North America, Europe, Russia, China, Japan, and Australia.

Beauty and comfort in one: reliable parts, distinct design, various accessories. Visit GUM or our online store for all your biking needs!

8 june
Summer in the City: Electra Urban Bicycles

Electra was established in the USA in 1993. Benno Bänziger and Jeano Erforth decided to create stylish and affordable cruiser bicycles combining classic design and modern technologies.

In 2003, the legendary Townie model was introduced. The model was the first to incorporate the Flat Foot technology that has become the cornerstone of the brand’s concept. Flat Foot helped Electra bikes to become the most comfortable in the world.

Electra bikes can be bought in North America, Europe, Russia, China, Japan, and Australia.

Beauty and comfort in one: reliable parts, distinct design, various accessories. Visit GUM or our online store for all your biking needs!

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8 (800) 700-28-28 internetboutique@gum.ru