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+7 (495) 620 3205
1 линия | 1 этаж
The ambitious Italian brand of simple clothing for men and women was launched in 2007. Eleventy's creators, Marco Baldassari and Paolo Zuntini, are a combination of experience and innovation. All brand products are produced in Italy in local factories with various specializations. Safe dyes, careful production, laconic and light solutions – this will appeal to everyone who values ​​authenticity and prefers clothes in the style of “quiet luxury”.
The ambitious Italian brand of simple clothing for men and women was launched in 2007. Eleventy's creators, Marco Baldassari and Paolo Zuntini, are a combination of experience and innovation. All brand products are produced in Italy in local factories with various specializations. Safe dyes, careful production, laconic and light solutions – this will appeal to everyone who values ​​authenticity and prefers clothes in the style of “quiet luxury”.
109012 Москва Красная площадь, 3
8 (800) 700-28-28 internetboutique@gum.ru