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Max Mara

+7 (495) 620 3283
1 level, 1 line

Dressmakers tailored clothes for the ordinary Italians and couturiers for the wealthy ones in the middle of the twentieth century when Max Mara was established. The young Italian Achille Maramotti starts to create fashionable, comfortable and affordable clothing at this crucial time. Clear lines and good cut made the business.  Sales have went through the roof. Branded style was formed then. It was rather conservative but individual, excellent for any occasion. Cashmere coats and tweed suits are the hallmarks of the brand. Things can be easily adapted for different occasions and styles. The marvelous combination of colors, ideas & fabrics makes a woman one of a kind.

Dressmakers tailored clothes for the ordinary Italians and couturiers for the wealthy ones in the middle of the twentieth century when Max Mara was established. The young Italian Achille Maramotti starts to create fashionable, comfortable and affordable clothing at this crucial time. Clear lines and good cut made the business.  Sales have went through the roof. Branded style was formed then. It was rather conservative but individual, excellent for any occasion. Cashmere coats and tweed suits are the hallmarks of the brand. Things can be easily adapted for different occasions and styles. The marvelous combination of colors, ideas & fabrics makes a woman one of a kind.

109012 Москва Красная площадь, 3
8 (800) 700-28-28 internetboutique@gum.ru