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MIUZ Diamonds

MIUZ Diamonds is the new name of the Moscow Jewelry Factory, a legendary Russian enterprise with a full production cycle, founded in 1920. For more than 100 years, the house's jewelers have been creating jewelry with Russian diamonds and rare precious stones of the highest quality.

MIUZ Diamonds is today the leader in the diamond market and the largest jewelry chain in Russia, whose production is certified according to the international quality standard ISO 9001:2008. Diamonds in jewelry from MIUZ Diamonds have an international certificate of conformity from GIA and the Russian Gemological Laboratory (RGL).
MIUZ Diamonds is the new name of the Moscow Jewelry Factory, a legendary Russian enterprise with a full production cycle, founded in 1920. For more than 100 years, the house's jewelers have been creating jewelry with Russian diamonds and rare precious stones of the highest quality.

MIUZ Diamonds is today the leader in the diamond market and the largest jewelry chain in Russia, whose production is certified according to the international quality standard ISO 9001:2008. Diamonds in jewelry from MIUZ Diamonds have an international certificate of conformity from GIA and the Russian Gemological Laboratory (RGL).
109012 Москва Красная площадь, 3
8 (800) 700-28-28 internetboutique@gum.ru