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7 september 2017
Rebellious spirit by Pinko
The premium line of the Italian brand Pinko Uniqueness has appeared in the Pinko boutique in GUM on September 7th. Metal rings, thorns and chains, tartan, and the symbolism of the British flag: it is the embodiment of the style of the English punk culture. Lace, floral prints and tweed make the looks very feminine.
Stylish pencil skirts, classic jackets, romantic blouses, jumpers, pencil dresses and cropped jeans make a real wardrobe of a fashionable urban rebel. It is for the ones who deny stereotypes, do not recognize clichés and are in the constant search of the new ideas and impressions.

See you at Pinko in GUM!

7 september
Rebellious spirit by Pinko
The premium line of the Italian brand Pinko Uniqueness has appeared in the Pinko boutique in GUM on September 7th. Metal rings, thorns and chains, tartan, and the symbolism of the British flag: it is the embodiment of the style of the English punk culture. Lace, floral prints and tweed make the looks very feminine.
Stylish pencil skirts, classic jackets, romantic blouses, jumpers, pencil dresses and cropped jeans make a real wardrobe of a fashionable urban rebel. It is for the ones who deny stereotypes, do not recognize clichés and are in the constant search of the new ideas and impressions.

See you at Pinko in GUM!

109012 Москва Красная площадь, 3
8 (800) 700-28-28 internetboutique@gum.ru