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Pinko is notable for funny and charming interpretation of classical clothes’ elements with a bit of impudence and irony. The collections are designed for stylish and self-confident women who want to feel good in clothes demanding high quality and innovations from it. The store of the brand in GUM offers Uniqueness, Love Me Tender and Arzu Sabanci lines of the brand. At the outset, the company was engaged in the production and supply of clothes in "fast fashion” segment, focusing on large volumes & short production cycle. In a short while the small family business has grown into a serious player in the competitive market of readymade garments in Italy. Today Pinko collections are created by an experienced team of designers and stylists, headed by Cristina Rubini, one of the founders of the brand. The designers and stylists take advice from the top designers working for the most famous fashion houses of Italy.
Pinko is notable for funny and charming interpretation of classical clothes’ elements with a bit of impudence and irony. The collections are designed for stylish and self-confident women who want to feel good in clothes demanding high quality and innovations from it. The store of the brand in GUM offers Uniqueness, Love Me Tender and Arzu Sabanci lines of the brand. At the outset, the company was engaged in the production and supply of clothes in "fast fashion” segment, focusing on large volumes & short production cycle. In a short while the small family business has grown into a serious player in the competitive market of readymade garments in Italy. Today Pinko collections are created by an experienced team of designers and stylists, headed by Cristina Rubini, one of the founders of the brand. The designers and stylists take advice from the top designers working for the most famous fashion houses of Italy.
109012 Москва Красная площадь, 3
8 (800) 700-28-28 internetboutique@gum.ru