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4 june 2018
Summer vibes: Vilebrequin Modernist Paradise collection
In the height of the summer, Vilebrequin presents Modernist Paradise. Discover the combination of sea breeze, pleasures, joy and spirit of freedom. Paradise 3D flowers, maxi and mini, optical illusions in Richter and Vasarely style, a tribute to the works of 60-x, Ginzburg and Liechtenstein, graphics and playfulness.

Established 50 years ago, the French brand from Saint-Tropez has been producing bathing accessories for the whole family, which are the standard of beach fashion today.

It is not surprising: after all, each bright and ironic Vilebrequin item is permeated with energy and freedom of carefree vacation to convey the mood of the respectable Saint-Tropez resort.

Light, durable and hypoallergenic material dries in 5 minutes. Up to 30 trendy patterns are created each season.

Vilebrequin presents Modernist Paradise in the height of the summer . Discover the combination of sea breeze, pleasures, joy and spirit of freedom. Paradise 3D flowers, maxi and mini, optical illusions in Richter and Vasarely style, a tribute to the works of 60-x, Ginzburg and Liechtenstein, graphics and playfulness.

It’s time to go to the sea! See you at  Vilebrequin in GUM!

4 june
Summer vibes: Vilebrequin Modernist Paradise collection
In the height of the summer, Vilebrequin presents Modernist Paradise. Discover the combination of sea breeze, pleasures, joy and spirit of freedom. Paradise 3D flowers, maxi and mini, optical illusions in Richter and Vasarely style, a tribute to the works of 60-x, Ginzburg and Liechtenstein, graphics and playfulness.

Established 50 years ago, the French brand from Saint-Tropez has been producing bathing accessories for the whole family, which are the standard of beach fashion today.

It is not surprising: after all, each bright and ironic Vilebrequin item is permeated with energy and freedom of carefree vacation to convey the mood of the respectable Saint-Tropez resort.

Light, durable and hypoallergenic material dries in 5 minutes. Up to 30 trendy patterns are created each season.

Vilebrequin presents Modernist Paradise in the height of the summer . Discover the combination of sea breeze, pleasures, joy and spirit of freedom. Paradise 3D flowers, maxi and mini, optical illusions in Richter and Vasarely style, a tribute to the works of 60-x, Ginzburg and Liechtenstein, graphics and playfulness.

It’s time to go to the sea! See you at  Vilebrequin in GUM!

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