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24 march 2017
Fitness as a life style: PINKO Athleisure cruise collection
Healthy living spreads worldwide, having impact even on fashion. Pinko anticipates the trends. The limited Athleisure line is about loose & comfy yet stylish casual clothes, which plays nice with incredibly urgent fitness style.
Sweatshirts with graphic inscriptions, comfy bomber jackets and loose jackets, as well as fancy sports-cut trousers, or, to put it simply, fitness pants, mini shorts and cotton dresses create an incredibly dynamic and attractive look
After drinking a carrot fresh, the protagonist of Athleisure leaves a gym and goes straight for a walk with the friends or to an office because she is allowed to break dress codes.
You are welcome to Pinko in GUM!
24 march
Fitness as a life style: PINKO Athleisure cruise collection
Healthy living spreads worldwide, having impact even on fashion. Pinko anticipates the trends. The limited Athleisure line is about loose & comfy yet stylish casual clothes, which plays nice with incredibly urgent fitness style.
Sweatshirts with graphic inscriptions, comfy bomber jackets and loose jackets, as well as fancy sports-cut trousers, or, to put it simply, fitness pants, mini shorts and cotton dresses create an incredibly dynamic and attractive look
After drinking a carrot fresh, the protagonist of Athleisure leaves a gym and goes straight for a walk with the friends or to an office because she is allowed to break dress codes.
You are welcome to Pinko in GUM!
109012 Москва Красная площадь, 3
8 (800) 700-28-28 internetboutique@gum.ru